Middle East

Canada’s Jihadist Problem

Canada, belatedly, is waking up to the homegrown jihadist threat. Eight years have elapsed since the “Toronto 18” terror plot in southern Ontario was uncovered by police, yet Canada has only recently begun to treat the problem with the gravity it deserves. A few days ago, the Canadian government classified Islamic State as a terrorist […]


Portrait Of A Zionist Extremist

On Feb. 12, 1942, the assistant superintendent of the Palestine Police Force in Tel Aviv, Geoffrey Morton, burst into a small flat on Mizrachi Bet Street and cornered Avraham (Yair) Stern, a Polish-born fugitive whose militant Zionist group had launched a war of liberation against British colonial rule in Palestine. Within minutes, if not seconds, […]

Middle East

“The Sky’s The Limit”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in an upbeat mood as he turned up at a press conference in New York City on September 28. One of the topics at hand was his upcoming meeting with India’s newly elected prime minister, Narendra Modi, who’s considered friendly toward Israel. “We are very excited by the prospects of […]


Eichmann Before Jerusalem

At his show trial in Jerusalem in 1961, Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann coyly described himself as “just a small cog” in Adolf Hitler’s extermination machine. The German Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt lent credence to this warped view, claiming in Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, published a year after his execution in […]

Middle East

Words Of Wisdom

Tzipi Livni, Israel’s lead negotiator at the failed peace talks with the Palestinian Authority, has issued a warning that Israel should heed. Livni, the minister of justice in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government, said that Israel has two choices: “Either we resume negotiations with the Palestinians to reach a permanent agreement, winning the world’s […]


Mumbai’s Sassoon Legacy

The ghost of legendary Jewish entrepreneur David Sassoon lingers over Mumbai, India’s commercial center. One hundred and fifty years after his death, several landmarks and synagogues in this  pulsating, cosmopolitan city bear either his family name or owe their existence to his philanthropy. Sassoon (1792-1864), the scion of a distinguished Sephardi clan from Iraq, settled […]

Middle East

Obama Buying Time

The latest phase in the global armed struggle against Islamic State, an Al Qaeda breakaway organization that has wreaked havoc in the Middle East, has begun with a flash of shock and awe. More than a month after bombing Islamic State strongholds in northern Iraq, the United States has opened a new front in the […]

Middle East

Terrorism Unmasked

In a landmark court verdict whose ramifications may be of seminal importance in the battle against terrorism, a federal jury in New York City has concluded that a major financial institution in the Middle East, Arab Bank, supported terrorism. The judgment, handed down on Sept. 22, is significant. It’s said to be the first civil […]


Village Of Secrets

The village of Le Chambon-sur-Lievre is extremely remote. High in the mountains of southern France, it’s protected by a shield of escarpments and rivers. During the winter months from October to April, heavy snow drifts cut it off from the world for weeks at a time. Thanks in part to its location, Le Chambon was […]


Survival Of The Fittest

In The Notebook, which opens in Toronto and Montreal on Sept. 26, Hungarian film director Janos Szasz transports a viewer into a Darwinian world where only the fittest survive. It’s August 1944 and Hungary is at war. A soldier returns from the front and is reunited with his wife and two pre-pubescent twin sons. He […]