
Labyrinth Of Lies

Giulio Ricciarelli’s riveting German-language movie, Labyrinth of Lies, ventures bravely into rough terrain — Germany’s historic reckoning with the Nazi era and the Holocaust. Screened at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, it takes a viewer back to the late 1950s and early 1960s, when some Germans were trying to suppress or forget Germany’s central […]

Middle East

Islamic State Spreads Terror

Two weeks after freelance journalist James Foley was beheaded by the Sunni jihadist outfit Islamic State, the same gruesome fate befell the reporter Steven Sotloff, also an American. Before he was decapitated by a masked man wielding a knife, Sotloff, a Jew taken hostage in Syria last August, said he was “paying the price” for U.S. […]


Travels in Nazi Germany

Olivier Lubrich, a professor of German and comparative literature at the University of Berne in Switzerland, has compiled a historically useful anthology of essays and letters, both published and unpublished, describing life in Nazi Germany. Travels in the Reich, 1933-1945 (The University of Chicago Press) presents a chilling portrait of a nation under the thrall […]


Paris 1919

Ninety five years have elapsed since world leaders gathered in Paris to create a new international order following the carnage of World War I — the “war to end all wars.” The Paris Peace Conference, a momentous event, is expertly examined by Margaret MacMillan in Paris 1919 (Random House).   France’s foray into fascism and state […]

Jewish Affairs

Doleful Anniversary

It’s a grimy district of four square kilometres in the center of Lodz, a city in central Poland, and it’s tremendously important in the annals of the Holocaust. Filled with a profusion of crumbling prewar tenements, the former Nazi ghetto area is synonymous with the Shoah in Poland. Since a revolt did not break out here, […]

Middle East

Foreign Fighters In Syria

Syria is the new Afghanistan. Following the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union in 1979, thousands of foreign volunteers, many of them Muslims from the Arab world, streamed into that country to join American and Saudi-backed fighters battling the Red army. Three decades on, a similar phenomenon is unfolding in Syria as foreigners, mainly […]

Middle East

Gaza: Back To Square One

Tranquility has belatedly returned to southern Israel and the Gaza Strip now that the Israeli government and Hamas have begun observing an open-ended Egyptian cease fire plan that went into effect on Aug. 26. In other words, we’re back to square one — to the situation that prevailed before the eruption of fullscale war on […]


Prisoners Of War

If you liked the American television series Homeland, you’ll most probably like Prisoners of War, the Israeli version upon which it was based. Gideon Raff’s Prisoners of War, Israel’s highest rated TV drama of all time, has won nine Israeli Academy of Film & Television Awards over two seasons. It’s popularity stems from a strong […]


The Crooked Mirror

The Polish philosopher Jozef Tischner wrote, “When reflected in a crooked mirror, the face of a neighbor is distorted. The neighbor is always worse than we can imagine, he is false, treacherous, evil.” Tischner’s observations may be applied to Louise Steinman, an American Jew of Polish descent for whom Poland was “a black hole, a […]

Middle East

Barack Obama’s Dilemma

U.S. President Barack Obama finds himself on the sharp horns of a dilemma following the barbaric beheading of James Foley, an American freelance journalist, on Aug. 19. Foley was the second American reporter since Daniel Pearl to be killed by crazed Islamic radicals. Foley was murdered by Islamic State, an extremist, bloodthirsty outfit bent on […]