
A Palestinian Encampment At The University of Toronto

As the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip drags on and as current hostage negotiations unfold in Cairo, Palestinian encampments have been sprouting up like dandelions at scores of universities across the United States and Canada. Three days ago, Palestinian students at the University of Toronto, the largest institution of higher learning in Canada, set […]


The Columbia University Solution

Columbia University in New York City has done the right thing. It has confronted head-on an explosive issue that currently faces universities across North America. In decisive fashion, it has dealt firmly with lawless pro-Palestinian students and outside agitators/subversives who had illegally set up an encampment on its grounds, who had barricaded themselves in a […]


Pro-Palestinian Student Protests Convulse U.S. Universities

The student protests that have wracked New York City’s Columbia University have spilled into campuses across the United States, creating a tidal wave of acrimony, outrage, disgust and fear. The demonstrations have been led by vocal and aggressive Palestinian American students, their supporters and members of university faculties. Observers have compared the nation-wide protests to […]


Nicaragua’s Politically-Inspired Case Against Israel

The case brought against Germany and Israel by Nicaragua at the International Court of Justice in The Hague this week was nothing less than ludicrous. Claiming that German arms sales to Israel have facilitated genocide during the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip, Nicaragua requested emergency measures ordering Germany to cease its military support of […]


Far-Right German Political Party Causes Angst

A wave of protests denouncing an extreme right-wing political party swept through major German cities earlier this year, with several million Germans turning up in peaceful demonstrations to vent their fear of and disgust with the growing popularity of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party. Protesters carried placards reading “Never Again Is Now,” “Against Hate,” […]


Trump’s Toxic Talk

Donald Trump has a bad habit of shooting his mouth off. He did so during his four-year term as U.S. president, and he is doing so again as the putative Republican Party presidential nominee. Several days ago, he hurled an outrageous accusation against American Jews who vote for the rival Democratic Party.  Appearing on an […]


Guernica’s Thought Police

Two words come to mind to describe the rash and unreasonable decision by Guernica to retract a personal essay by Israeli author Joanna Chen: disgusting and disgraceful. It reminds us all that cancel culture is thriving in America. This prominent online literary magazine, based in New York City, is reeling after a self-inflicted wound. On […]


Chuck Schumer Went Out On A Limb

Chuck Schumer, the top-ranking Democrat in the U.S. Congress and the Senate majority leader, went out on a limb yesterday, accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a major obstacle to peace, calling for a fresh election and a new leadership in Israel, and endorsing a two-state solution. Schumer’s 40-minute speech was seen as yet […]


Unruly Palestinian Protesters Should Not Be Tolerated

The Toronto Police Service is currently reviewing a pro-Palestinian demonstration that led to the abrupt cancellation of a dinner that was to be hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the Art Gallery of Ontario on March 2. “If it is determined that illegal activity occurred, charges can […]


Russia And Ukraine Bogged Down In A War Of Attrition

Two years on, Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine has bogged down into a messy World War 1-style stalemate — a costly trench war of attrition that has consumed men and materiel at an alarmingly rapid pace. In the past few months, however, the revitalized Russian army has gained ground in the east and the […]