
A Judicious Canadian Court Ruling

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are known to engage in a deceptive practice under which their  exported products are affixed with misleading “made in Israel” labels. Of course, Jewish settlers believe that the West Bank, conquered by Israel during the Six Day War and populated in the main by Palestinian Arabs, is an integral […]


Corbyn Finally Gets Serious About Antisemitism

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labor Party, is finally getting really serious about the scourge of antisemitism within its ranks. Several days ago, while claiming that this volatile issue has been exaggerated by the media and by his opponents, he belatedly admitted that his left-of-center party has a “real problem” with antisemitism and that it must […]


Nazi-Looted Paintings Stir Conflicts

Twenty one years ago, a historic conference in Washington, D.C. ended with representatives of 44 governments endorsing a set of principles designed to assist the heirs of Jewish collectors recover works of art that Nazi Germany had looted. Under the terms of the Washington Principles on Nazi-Confiscated Art, or the Washington Declaration as it is […]


Conway’s Bizarre And Pointed Question

Kellyanne Conway, U.S. President Donald Trump’s advisor, asked a very odd and potentially troubling question on the very day her impetuous, mercurial and unpredictable boss tore into four Democratic congresswomen in a racially-charged rant during which he advised them to “go back” to the “places from which they came.” During a press conference on the […]


Replace Israel’s Education Minister

Israel’s new minister of education, Rafael Peretz, appears to have a penchant for spouting nonsense. Peretz, appointed to his position in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s caretaker government last month, stirred anger when he likened Jewish intermarriage around the world as a “second Holocaust.” He compounded his maladroitness by endorsing “conversion therapy” for gay young men […]


Trump’s Incendiary Rhetoric

Lamentably, Donald Trump has done it again. In a series of provocative and wholly inappropriate tweets unworthy of the office he holds, the president of the United States verbally lashed out at four of his most ardent Democratic critics in the House of Representatives — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida […]


Questioning The Veracity Of The Holocaust

The Holocaust is a fact in the broad sweep of history, like Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939, Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Soviet Union’s occupation of Afghanistan in 1979, or Iraq’s incursion into Iran in 1980. The truth of these events is never questioned, yet the veracity of the Holocaust is […]


Fields Case Sets An Important Precedent

James Fields Jr., 22, is a murderer who richly deserves to pay the penalty for his crime. Two years ago in August, during a white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, he deliberately drove his car into a crowd of racially diverse counter-protesters, killing Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old paralegal, and injuring many other […]


Dewey Finally Pays The Price

The American Library Association passed a commendable but long overdue resolution at its convention in Washington, D.C. last week by voting to remove Melvil Dewey’s name from its most prestigious professional award, the Melvil Dewey Medal. It is given to a recipient who has demonstrated “creative leadership of a high order” in fields ranging from library […]


A False Analogy

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the U.S. Congress, should accept an invitation from Holocaust survivor Edward Mosberg to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau, the former Nazi concentration camp in Poland. Mosberg, the honorary president of the Holocaust commemoration group From the Depths, issued the invitation on June 21, several days after Ocasio-Cortez falsely compared  U.S. detention centres holding […]