
Unintended Consequences In Germany

At the risk of sounding monotonous, I return once more to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hasty decision to allow more than one million Muslim migrants to flood into Germany since 2015. Much to her probable astonishment and disappointment, it has had unintended consequences. The majority of the newcomers are from Syria, an Arab police state whose […]


Shame On Trudeau And Freeland

Late last month, in concert with several Western nations, Canada expelled a number of Russian diplomats stationed here. The federal government explained it had acted in solidarity with Britain, which blames Russia for a deadly chemical attack on a former Russian double agent and his daughter residing in the country. Shortly afterwards, Canadian Foreign Minister […]


Jeremy Corbyn Goes Into Damage Control Mode

Jeremy Corbyn, the embattled 68-year-old leader of Britain’s left-of-center Labor Party, is under fire again. Corbyn, a dark horse candidate from the hard left of the party, succeeded the middle-of-the-road Ed Miliband in 2015. Since then, he has been busy fending off accusations of being anti-Israel and soft on antisemitic members of the party, which […]


Norwegian Festival Penalizes Israeli Artists

An arts festival in Oslo, Norway, which focuses on gender identity and femininity has unjustly penalized six Israeli choreographers purely on the basis of their nationality. The Feminine Tripper Festival, which took place earlier this month, rejected their applications just because they are Israeli citizens. Political correctness has reached a new low. Shame on the festival. […]


The Rothschilds Control The Weather

Antisemitic myths are deeply-rooted and endure from one century to the next, causing verbal abuse and outright violence. This came to mind in the wake of comments made recently by Trayon White, a member of City Council in Washington, D.C. In an inane video he posted on Facebook, he aligned himself to a well-worn conspiracy […]


Fake News From Poland

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Last month, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stirred indignation and outrage when he falsely asserted that Jews were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust. This absurd claim was widely regarded as an affront to the historical record. Several days ago, Morawiecki’s father, Kornel, a former senator, claimed that […]


Women’s March Credibility Is Imperilled

Certain American liberal feminists seem to be in thrall to Louis Farrakhan, the fiery Nation of Islam leader who rarely misses an opportunity to excoriate Jews. At the annual Saviours’ Day event in Chicago late last month, the African American demagogue spewed brimstone and fire as he delivered one of his trademark blistering speeches. During the course […]


A Royal Breakthrough At Last

At long last, a member of the British royal house will visit Israel in an official capacity. The news that Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, will travel to Israel in the summer to participate in ceremonies marking Israel’s 70th anniversary is long overdue. Better late than never. In addition to Israel, the prince, who’s […]


Silly Social Media Spectacle

I read an unusual news story the other day about a disgruntled airplane traveller, his like-minded fellow travellers and a pathetically timid and spineless airline. Call it, if you wish, a social media spectacle stretched to absurd lengths. In a recent tweet, Dani Williams, a passenger aboard a Virgin Atlantic aircraft, accused the British-based international […]


NDP Adopts A Balanced Position On Arab-Israeli Conflict

At its national convention in Ottawa this past week, the left-wing New Democratic Party of Canada adopted a balanced position on Israel’s protracted conflict with the Palestinians. Fears had been circulating that hotheads might hijack the proceedings and cajole the NDP to pass a one-sided resolution calling for the Palestinians’ “right of return.” But thanks […]