Middle East

The Palestinians Of Gaza Brought Destruction Upon Themselves

Palestinians returning to their homes in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis, following Israel’s abrupt withdrawal from it on April 7, found a landscape of utter devastation. Much of it was unrecognizable, with some returnees comparing it to cities in Germany that had been pulverized by Allied aircraft raids during World War II. […]

Middle East

The Israel-Hamas War Six Months On

Six months since the eruption of the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip, Israel is still coping with an overwhelming sense of grief, trauma, loss and uncertainty. October 7, the day some 3,000 Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel in the darkest day in its history and the deadliest single rampage against Jews since the Holocaust, […]

Middle East

Biden’s Ultimatum To Israel

It was a tense telephone conversation marking what may well be a turning point in Israel’s conduct of the war in the Gaza Strip and in its relationship with its key ally, the United States. U.S. President Joe Biden, in a half-hour call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on April 4, issued what amounted […]

Middle East

Israel Inflicts A Heavy Blow On Iran

Israel’s undeclared shadow war with Iran intensified on April 1 when it struck the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, the capital of Syria. The air strike, carried out by a pair of F-35 stealth fighter jets, levelled what Iran claimed was its consulate. The blast killed 13 people, among whom were three Iranian generals from […]

Middle East

The Al-Shifa Hospital Was Also A Hamas Base

A hospital is a protected area under international law, but it automatically loses that status when it is converted into a military facility. This is precisely what happened when Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical facility in the Gaza Strip, was cynically repurposed into a command center and operational hub by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. By […]

Middle East

Gaza War Strains Netanyahu’s Relationship With Biden

Nearly six months into the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip, Israel’s strategic ties with the United States, its chief ally and benefactor, have come under increasing strain, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s relationship with President Joe Biden has been buffeted by strong turbulence. These tensions have flared amid a pronounced shift in U.S. public […]

Middle East

The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty 45 Years On

It was a diplomatic earthquake that shook the Middle East to its foundations. Forty five years ago, Israel and Egypt transcended decades of mutual animosity and bloodshed and signed a peace treaty that endures to this day, despite the constant tumult in the region. This landmark agreement, the first between Israel and an Arab state, […]

Middle East

The Houthis Continue To Disrupt Red Sea Shipping

Despite its best efforts, the United States and its allies have failed to stop the Houthis from disrupting the flow of commercial shipping in the Red Sea, one of the world’s busiest sea lanes. Hundreds of tankers thereby have been redirected to the longer and more expensive Cape of Good Hope route around South Africa, […]

Middle East

Parliamentary Motion Leaves Canadian Mideast Policy Mostly Intact

A non-binding motion in support of peace in the Middle East was endorsed by Canada’s parliament on March 18 by a margin of 204-117. Brought to the floor by the left-wing New Democratic Party, it could hardly be described as a seismic shift in Canadian policy. Acknowledging its toothless character, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said […]

Middle East

Israel Has No Choice But To Invade Rafah

Israel has no alternative but to invade Rafah, Hamas’ last urban bastion in the Gaza Strip, despite objections from its chief ally, the United States. Having successfully decimated or disabled nearly all of Hamas’ 24 battalions since the start of its ground offensive on October 27, the Israeli government is obligated to finish the job. […]