Middle East

Bernie Sanders And Israel

It’s questionable whether Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent, Vermont) will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the U.S. presidency now that Joe Biden, the vice-president under President Barack Obama, has regained his footing and pulled ahead of him in the quest for delegates. Yet if Sanders, a democratic socialist, can overtake and defeat Biden, he would not […]

Middle East

Netanyahu’s Euphoria May Have Been Misplaced

Maybe, just maybe Benjamin Netanyahu got carried away by the inconclusive results of Israel’s March 2 general election, the third in less than a year. Aiming for a record fifth term in office, the 70-year-prime minister sounded euphoric as he addressed jubilant supporters following the election. Calling the projected outcome “the biggest victory of my life,” […]

Middle East

Turkey Wages War On Syria

Turkey and Syria, once the best of neighbors, are effectively at war. On March 1, Turkey launched a major offensive into northwestern Syria, the last bastion of Turkish-backed Syrian rebels fighting the Russian-backed regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The campaign is largely designed to stop the flow of some one million displaced Syrian civilians into Turkey […]

Middle East

Israeli Settlements And Antisemitism

President Donald Trump’s national security advisor, Robert O’Brien, recently equated the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank with the growth of antisemitism around the world. It’s a bizarre and ridiculous conflation that needs to be refuted. Urging the Palestinians to abandon their rejection of Trump’s one-sided peace plan, O’Brien claimed it could be […]

Middle East

Key Provision In U.S. Peace Plan Disavowed

President Donald Trump’s Arab-Israeli peace plan, released at the White House on January 28, aroused indignation in Palestinian and Arab circles. Among the ideas that provoked a storm of criticism was one that advocated land swaps between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority in populated and unpopulated areas of Israel and the West Bank. Under […]

Middle East

Benny Gantz’s Blunder

With Israel’s March 2 general election just more than one week away, Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz appears to have painted himself into a corner. It could cost him dearly. Gantz, whose centrist party won more Knesset seats than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party in the last two inconclusive elections in […]

Middle East

Israel And Hamas Locked In A Deadly Embrace

It was another case of deja vu all over again. Just hours after Egypt and the United Nations hammered out the latest ceasefire between Israel and Hamas on February 13, a new round of violence erupted. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets into southern Israel and the Israeli Air Force struck back, leaving […]

Middle East

A Fair Peace Plan

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met Ehud Olmert, the former Israeli prime minister, in New York City a few days ago, and predictably enough, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vociferously condemned their meeting as “shameful” and “disgraceful.” For Netanyahu, Olmert and Abbas were convenient targets. Twelve years ago, they came tantalizingly close to reaching a peace […]

Middle East

Israel Returns To Africa

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met the leaders of Uganda and Sudan, two African countries embedded in the lore of the Zionist movement for better or worse. Visiting Kampala, the capital of Uganda, Netanyahu said that Israel is intent on upgrading its mercurial relationship with the countries of the African continent. “Israel is coming […]

Middle East

Arab Rejection of U.S. Peace Plan Was So Predictable

Before Donald Trump finally released his much-vaunted and anticipated peace plan on January 28, he reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Arab states would support it and play a helpful role in implementing it. Trump’s sanguine calculation was misguided, a case of wishful thinking, as was his assumption that the Palestinians would climb […]