Middle East

A New Template For Peace

Israel and the Palestinians should create a new template to resolve their dispute, says Israeli analyst Yossi Alpher. Both sides, having failed to achieve peace through protracted negotiations, must build a new framework for bilateral talks. If they fail to do so, he warned, they will find themselves on a “slippery slope” toward a one-state […]

Middle East

Israel Promotes “Economic Peace” With Palestinians

Benjamin Netanyahu is a big proponent of “economic peace” with the Palestinians. In 2009, shortly after becoming Israel’s prime minister for the second time, he talked about the need to develop the Palestinian economy in the West Bank, claiming that job creation would benefit both parties. He formed a special committee to improve the Palestinians’ […]

Middle East

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Conflations

In the wake of this week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels, for which Islamic State claimed responsibility, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out, quite correctly, that the international community is now engaged in “a global war against terror.” Having made this pertinent observation, Netanyahu careened off course by making a causal link between Islamic State […]

Middle East

Palestinians Need To Reform School Textbooks

It goes without saying that a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli dispute will be fiendishly difficult to achieve unless both sides are psychologically prepared to make meaningful compromises. Israel must accustom itself to the idea that its occupation of the West Bank is unsustainable and counter-productive. How can there be peace when the Palestinians are […]

Middle East

Islamic State Sets Its Sights On Israel

Islamic State and its 34 affiliates have launched terrorist attacks in countries ranging from France to Turkey, but the Sunni jihadist organization has yet to strike one of its arch enemies, Israel. It seems strange that IS, based in Iraq and Syria, has not targeted Israel, the object of hatred and revulsion in the Muslim world. […]

Middle East

Cultural Destruction Is A War Crime

Much to its credit, the International Criminal Court in The Hague has set an important precedent, having laid charges against a jihadist accused of destroying historic properties in a legendary African town on the edge of the Sahara desert. It’s the first time the ICC has addressed the issue of cultural destruction as a war […]

Middle East

Israel’s “Red Lines” In Syria

Current efforts by the United States and Russia to achieve a “cessation of hostilities” in Syria’s five-year-old civil war hang by a thread. Periodic clashes are still breaking out. Two of the major combatants, Islamic State and the Al-Nusra Front, have been excluded from the partial ceasefire and presumably will keep on fighting. The uncertainty […]

Middle East

Iran’s Policies Will Remain Despite Elections

Reformers and middle-of-the-road conservatives in Iran have won majorities in parliament and the Assembly of Experts, the body which selects Iran’s supreme leader. But it’s doubtful whether their victories will soften Tehran’s hardline policies, particularly as they relate to Israel. Iranians who back the presidency of Hassan Rouhani — an Iranian-style pragmatist who seeks engagement […]

Middle East

The BDS Battle In Canada

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, dedicated to the proposition that Israel’s existence is illegitimate, has achieved a string of successes since its founding eleven years ago. It’s no longer a marginal group in the shadows struggling for recognition. Created by a coalition of non-governmental Palestinian organizations, it draws inspiration and strength from a BDS […]

Middle East

Privacy Versus Security In The Apple Showdown

We live in an age of rampant terrorism, a grotesque phenomenon that manifests itself these days particularly in the Middle East. In countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Israel, terrorism has become pervasive, wiping out lives, destroying property and creating a climate of uncertainty and angst. With the rise of Al Qaeda and Islamic […]