Middle East

Netanyahu’s Facile Rationalizations

As the prospect for peace between Israel and the Palestinians fades further away, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proffers yet more reasons why Palestinian statehood is not a feasible proposition. From my perspective, his arguments fall flat, sounding more like facile, self-serving rationalizations than rational explanations. Under pressure from the United States, Netanyahu supposedly endorsed a […]

Middle East

Barack Obama’s Muddled Policy On Syria

The United States and Russia have reached an agreement to end the bloodshed in Syria, but it could easily fizzle and die. The accord, signed in Munich on February 12 by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, is ambitious in scope but precarious and fragile. It calls for the delivery of […]

Middle East

Justin Trudeau’s Doublespeak

As expected, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has redefined Canada’s role in the U.S.-led military campaign to degrade and defeat Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. On February 8, at a press conference in Ottawa, he announced that Canadian advisors will no longer be involved in a combat mission in the Middle East. Instead, Canada […]

Middle East

Terrorists Misuse The Internet

Jihadists love the Internet, as they should. It’s their portal to free publicity, a potentially vast audience and enhanced membership rolls. Islamic State, the jihadist organization that has wreaked havoc in the Middle East, has learned to its satisfaction that social media is a potent weapon to brainwash and radicalize Muslims and recruit them as […]

Middle East

Syrian Civil War Could Drag On For Years

The impasse in the protracted civil war in Syria is so profound that even the prospect of successful peace talks to end the nearly five-year-old conflict seems outlandish and unrealistic. On February 3, after two days of preliminary discussions in Geneva, United Nations mediator Staffan de Mistura threw up his hands in utter despair and […]

Middle East

Israeli Bill Would Stifle Political Dissent

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has tabled a bill that may well stifle, if not delegitimize, a precious gift — political dissent in Israel. The bill, known as the NGO Law, should be permanently shelved for the sake of Israeli democracy. Sponsored by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, it would require non-governmental organizations in Israel to […]

Middle East

Inconvenient Truths

The American ambassador to Israel and the secretary-general of the United Nations have both issued no-nonsense warnings regarding the pitfalls of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. Call them inconvenient truths. To no one’s surprise, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded harshly to their collective words of wisdom, thereby confirming the widely-held assumption that […]

Middle East

What Comes After The Iran Nuclear Agreement?

A new phase in Iran’s often contentious relationship with the West unfolded a few days ago when the United States and European countries lifted economic sanctions against Iran. They were withdrawn following the release of a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency that the Iranian government had fulfilled its promise to curb its controversial […]

Middle East

A Somber Anniversary In France

A year ago this month, France was profoundly shaken by two jihadist rampages in Paris. The incidents underscored an alarming phenomenon — the extent to which a minority of European Muslims have fallen under the baneful and destructive spell of radical Islam. It’s a grave problem which is far from resolved. Last November, jihadists launched […]

Middle East

Beyond Israel’s Glitter And Gloss

Israel is one of the most advanced countries in the Middle East, its high-tech economy a model of brain power, innovation and efficiency. Out with the old, in with the new. For a country with precious few natural resources, Israel has fared reasonably well thanks to its can-do, entrepreneurial spirit. If you take a walk in […]