Middle East

Russian Hypocrisy

Russia has taken hypocrisy to new cynical heights by having lodged a letter of complaint with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon over Israel’s “aggressive actions” in Syria. On Dec. 7, Israeli aircraft reportedly struck Syrian military facilities near the international airport just outside Damascus and a site close to the Lebanese border. According to […]

Middle East

Iran Nuclear Talks May Yet Fail

There’s a strong possibility that Iran and the world’s major powers may fail to convert an interim accord, signed last November, into a permanent agreement on drastically curbing Iran’s covert, militarized nuclear program. On Nov. 24, the two sides acknowledged that they had failed to bridge the gaps in their respective positions and announced a […]

Middle East

Conflict Resolution Is The Answer

In accordance with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent promise that security in Jerusalem will be restored, following an upsurge of violence in Israel’s capital in the past month or so, the Israeli government has resurrected its policy of demolishing the homes of terrorists. On Nov. 19, only a day after two Palestinian cousins from East […]

Middle East

Israel Should Cooperate With UN Probe

The Israeli government recently decided it would not cooperate with a United Nations commission charged with investigating allegations that war crimes were committed by Israel and Hamas during their 50-day war in the Gaza Strip last summer. This comes as no surprise. Last August, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, […]

Middle East

Prescription For Disaster

A few years ago, while serving as defence minister under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak unburdened himself of a comment that spoke volumes. Barak, no dove, claimed that the current Israeli government was incapable of making peace with the Palestinians. Regrettably, Barak’s analysis remains as true today as back then.   Netanyahu professes to […]

Middle East

The Plague Of Racism

A recent comment about racism in Israel by Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, transported me back in time. It was 1971, I had just arrived in Israel for an extended visit, and my aunt in Haifa had invited me for dinner. As we feasted on Polish and Israeli delicacies, she gave me some unsolicited advice. More […]

Middle East

Detached From Reality

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has got things backwards, much to Israel’s detriment. Lashing out at U.S. condemnation of Israeli plans to build more than 1,000 apartments in areas of eastern Jerusalem annexed by Israel after the 1967 Six Day War, Netanyahu declared, “I have heard a claim that our construction in Jewish neighborhoods in […]

Middle East

Terror In Canada

Thirteen years after 15 Arab terrorists linked to Al Qaeda attacked the United States, Canada is facing the wrath of Islamic radicalism. In the past few days, two Canadian soldiers — Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Corporal Nathan Cirillo — have been murdered by Canadian acolytes of Islamic State, the jihadist organization that has conquered […]

Middle East

Twenty Years Of Peace

On a sunny autumn day in the Negev desert 20 years ago this month, Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan. Coming 15 years after Israel’s peace treaty with Egypt, the first of its kind in the Middle East, it was seen as step forward in Israel’s quest for recognition and acceptance in the Arab […]

Middle East

Fighting A Losing Battle

Israel has mounted a campaign to squelch a diplomatic drive by major European countries to recognize a future Palestinian state. By doing so, Israel is fighting a losing battle, and is on the wrong side of history. In recent weeks, the new Swedish prime minister, Stefan Lofven, has expressed support for Palestinian statehood, which is […]