
My Autumn in Canada

I can’t say I like autumn. Autumn, for me, marks the end of summer, my favorite season. I’m a warm-weather person who worships the sun, which, I realize, is not good for you if you expose yourself to its potentially harmful rays once too often. Yet, during the all too short Canadian summer, I’m in […]


Montreal: A Place of Memory

I returned to Montreal last month after an absence of more than a year. Montreal, for me, is not just a destination but a place of memory. I was raised in Montreal and spent my formative years there. But after leaving in 1969 to study at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African […]


Hollywood and Hitler

Myopically enough, Hollywood failed to fully grasp the significance of the rise of Nazism in Germany, even though the American motion picture industry was largely in the hands of Jewish Americans. They underestimated the Nazis, assuming that the national socialists were a passing phenomenon, writes Thomas Doherty in Hollywood and Hitler 1933-1939, published by Columbia […]


Vignellis Defined the Landscape of Contemporary Design

You name it and they’ve designed it. Massimo and Lella Vignelli, born in Italy and based in New York City, are master graphic artists, having been instrumental in defining the landscape of contemporary design. Their motto is: If you can’t find it, design it. And so they have done to international acclaim. The Vignellis, a married […]

Middle East

The Counter-Revolution in Egypt

On Oct. 6, waves of Egyptians descended on Cairo’s Tahrir Square to celebrate the 40th anniversary of what is widely regarded as Egypt’s “victory” over Israel in the three-week Yom Kippur War. When Islamist supporters of the ousted and now imprisoned president, Mohamed Morsi, converged on the square, the symbolic heart of the 2011 revolution, […]

Middle East

A progressive Zionist Voice

A progressive Zionist voice rang out clearly and strongly on Oct. 6, the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, as the inaugural national conference of JSpace Canada took place at the University of Toronto. Founded in 2010 by members of the First Narayever Congregation, JSpace Canada provides a boldly alternative voice […]

Middle East

Lawrence in Arabia

The Middle East as we know it today was essentially formed during World War I, when Britain, in conjunction with France, secretly carved out the region at the expense of the tottering Ottoman Empire and in violation of  a promise to support Arab autonomy within a greater Arab state. While an Oxford University-trained archeologist named […]


Sweden’s Wartime Neutrality was a Two-Edged Sword

When World War II broke out, Sweden teetered on the fence, declaring neutrality while maintaining trade with both sides in the conflict. It was not the first time Sweden had chosen to remain neutral. In World War I, Sweden had adopted a similar policy. Now, in 1939, the Swedish government resolved yet again to remain […]


Borscht Belt Resorts in the Catskill Mountains: An Incubator of Comedy

From approximately the 1930s to the 1960s, the idyllic Catskill Mountains in upstate New York occupied a special and unique place in the American travel industry, being the single largest resort area in the United States. With its multitude of hotels, the Catskills attracted a mainly Jewish clientele who were drawn to the food, lots of […]

Middle East

Iran Will Be Judged By Its Actions

Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird told the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 30 that Iran’s current charm offensive is more show than substance. “Sound bites do not remove threats to global security,” he said in a reference to Iran’s militarized nuclear program. Canada will judge Iran on the basis of  its actions rather than […]