
A Commendable Decision

Until quite recently, the student union at Ryerson University in Toronto appeared cool, if not hostile, toward Jewish student concerns. Three years ago this month, the union joined the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, an outfit whose goal is to delegitimize Israel. Last November, at its semi-annual general meeting, two anti-Israel organizations, Students […]


Chrystia Freeland Can Rest Easy Now

Congratulations, Chrystia Freeland. You’ve won. You and your handlers not only buried a legitimate news story, but convinced a compliant media, a cowed Jewish leadership and a spineless Jewish press to ignore it, as if it never even existed. I’m referring, of course, to the short-lived Freeland affair, which broke in Canada several weeks ago. […]


Mosques As Platforms For Antisemitism

There have been a flurry of reports in the Canadian media of late that mosques in Montreal and Toronto have been used as platforms to disseminate antisemitism. Muslim organizations have denounced the imams who’ve delivered these noxious sermons, but their denunciations will mean precious little if mosques continue to serve as venues of anti-Jewish diatribes. The […]


Gorka Investigation Needed

Three U.S. senators — Ben Cardin of Maryland, Richard Durbin of Illinois and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut — were absolutely right to call for an investigation into of one of President Donald Trump’s top aides, Sebastian Gorka, who may have links to a notorious antisemitic Hungarian organization. Gorka, Trump’s adviser on counter-terrorism, was photographed at […]


Turkey’s Erdogan Is A Loose Cannon

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has done it again. In his usual intemperate style, he’s accused two friendly countries, the Federal Republic of Germany and Holland, of behaving like Nazi Germany. The comparison is absurd, but lest we forget, Erdogan has also levelled this odious accusation against Israel, not once but twice. Clearly, he’s a loose […]


Canadian Minister Should Acknowledge The Truth

Why can’t Chrystia Freeland acknowledge the truth? Why can’t she come clean? Freeland, Canada’s foreign minister and a member of Parliament representing a mid-town Toronto district, has been less than transparent about her maternal grandfather, Michael (Mikhailo) Chomiak, who edited a pro-Nazi Ukrainian newspaper in Cracow during Germany’s occupation of Poland. The publication in question, Krakivski […]


Bernie Sanders Speaks To The Truth

Bernie Sanders, the U.S. senator from the state of Vermont, unburdened himself of a few choice words of wisdom a few days ago. They’re well worth pondering. Addressing J Street’s annual conference in Washington, D.C., Sanders spoke of the importance of diversity of opinion in discourse about Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Delivering his first […]


Amazon: Stop Selling Holocaust Denial Books

It’s disappointing and disheartening that online retailer Amazon is flogging books dedicated to Holocaust denial. This is not only an affront to the historical record, but illegal as well in some countries. I logged on to Amazon the other day and, much to my surprise and disgust, I found books like Did Six Million Really Die? and The […]


David Friedman Unfit To Be U.S. Ambassador To Israel

David Friedman, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. ambassador to Israel, was on his best behavior on the first day of his confirmation hearing in the Senate a few days ago. He apologized for his use of “inflammatory rhetoric” during the presidential campaign, acknowledged that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are not “a […]


McGill University Must Punish Student Leader

It would be disappointing in the extreme if McGill University in Montreal falls short of taking  disciplinary action against a student who recently called on fellow students to physically attack Zionists on campus. Having urged his Twitter followers to “punch a Zionist today,” Igor Sadikov — a board member of the Students’ Society of McGill […]