Middle East

Deep-Seated Grievances Spark Protests In Iran

A little more than two weeks after Iran was convulsed by a new round of nation-wide protests which have yet to subside, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, finally broke his silence. Condemning the “rioting” as “abnormal” and “unnatural,” he accused the United States and Israel of instigating the protests, which entered their 40th day […]

Middle East

Maritime Border Pact A “Game Changer,” Says Lebanese Negotiator

Amos Hochstein, the U.S. mediator who brokered last week’s landmark maritime boundary agreement between Israel and Lebanon, claims that both sides attained “95 percent to 98 percent” of their respective objectives. Lebanon’s chief negotiator, Elias Bou Saab, the deputy Speaker of the Lebanese parliament, hailed it as “a historic event” and a “game changer” for […]

Middle East

Israel Should Consider Selling Air Defence System To Ukraine

In a bold tweet that probably unsettled the Israeli government, Israel’s minister of Diaspora affairs, Nachman Shai, has come out in favor of sending Israeli military assistance to Ukraine, which has been embroiled in a gruelling war with Russia since its unjustified invasion last February. “There is no longer any doubt where Israel should stand […]

Middle East

Israel-Lebanon Maritime Boundary Pact A Harbinger Of Stability

Israel’s maritime boundary agreement with Lebanon, approved by both sides on October 11 and ratified by the Israeli security and full cabinet on the following day, is expected to stabilize relations between warring neighbors. “This is a historic achievement that will strengthen Israel’s security, bring billions into Israel’s economy, and ensure stability on the northern […]

Middle East

Israel’s Maritime Agreement With Lebanon Seems In Jeopardy

Only a few days ago, Israel’s proposed maritime border agreement with Lebanon seemed like a sure thing, a beacon of hope in Israel’s adversarial relationship with its northern Arab neighbor. But on October 6, a day after Yom Kippur, a sense of gloom set in following Lebanon’s sudden demand that significant modifications needed to be […]

Middle East

The “Right Thing” For Israel’s Security

One can only hope that Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid was sincere when he endorsed a two-state solution in a speech he delivered at the United Nations on September 22. Speaking to the General Assembly, Lapid declared, “An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples, is the right thing for Israel’s […]

Middle East

Iran’s True Face

The miserable governing regime in Iran is consistently on the wrong side of current geopolitical and moral issues. In a demonstrative display of its venality, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi sounded off on three related issues — the Holocaust, Israel and the Abraham Accords — this past week and emerged as an unrepentant extremist. During the […]

Middle East

A New Wave Of Violence Convulses The West Bank

The latest wave of Palestinian violence in the West Bank raises two salient questions. Is it yet another transitory manifestation of Arab anger at and frustration with Israel’s deeply-entrenched occupation? Or does it represent something far more serious — the first stirrings of a third uprising? No one can divine the future, but the recurring […]

Middle East

Israel Seems Resigned To A Renewed Iran Nuclear Agreement

Israel seems resigned to a renewed Iran nuclear agreement, but insists it will not be bound by it and will be free to continue its covert campaign of sabotage against Iran’s nuclear program and its personnel. Ever since its chief ally, the United States, announced its intention to return to the 2015 accord, or the […]

Middle East

Netanyahu Is Cynically Courting Arab Voters

With Israel’s November 1 general election drawing closer, opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu is cynically courting Israeli Arabs once again. In recent weeks, the former prime minister has opened new accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok to bring his message to Muslim and Christian Arab voters. “This is an opportunity to begin a new […]