Middle East

The San Remo Conference One Century On

One hundred years ago this month, the map of the Middle East was radically redrawn by the major powers at a long-forgotten summit in a pretty resort town in northwestern Italy. The San Remo Conference, which took place in 1920 between April 19-26 at the Villa Devachan, officially ratified the breakup of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire […]

Middle East

Israel Is Assisting The Palestinians During The Coronavirus Crisis

Israel and the Palestinians are at odds over key issues, but as the coronavirus pandemic develops, the Israeli government has been offering tangible assistance to the ruling Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. According to the United Nations, Israel is helping the Palestinian Authority, which is based in the West Bank, […]

Middle East

Iran, The Coronavirus Crisis And U.S. Sanctions

It would appear that Iran is cynically using the coronavirus crisis to exert pressure on its arch foe, the United States, to suspend or cancel the crippling trade sanctions that have all but throttled its oil-based economy. Iran, the leading Shi’a power in the Middle East, has been devastated by the pandemic, having recorded 87,000 […]

Middle East

Israel’s Political Crisis Seems Defused

Israel’s worst political crisis since the advent of statehood in 1948 was defused on April 20 when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his chief rival, Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz, broke a year-long impasse and agreed to form an emergency government for the next 36 months. A day later, the leader of the […]

Middle East

Hamas’ Crackdown on Free Speech In Gaza

Once again, Hamas has displayed a blatant disregard for the basic fundamentals of democracy. Hamas, the undisputed ruling authority in the Gaza Strip since its violent coup in 2007, recently arrested seven peace activists who participated in a video conference with their counterparts in Israel. The Palestinian detainees were members of Skype With Your Enemy, […]

Middle East

The Coronavirus And Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Community

In the face of the life-threatening coronavirus pandemic raging around the world, some ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel chose to defy government directives to remain at home in quarantine so as to stem the spread of the deadly outbreak. This was not only astonishingly selfish, but unacceptably reckless. By their actions they risked exacerbating an unprecedented, […]

Middle East

Benny Gantz Betrays His Supporters

Israel’s canny caretaker prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, can thank the coronavirus and a weary,  beaten-down opponent for having saved his political skin. Netanyahu’s dominance of Israel politics seemed to have ended in mid-March as Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz moved closer to forming a coalition government. But in a stunning 180 degree reversal on March […]

Middle East

Israel’s Momentary Truce With The Palestinians

The coronavirus is relentlessly sweeping around the world, but in Israel and the Palestinian territories one can discern the sliver of a silver lining amid the gathering dark clouds. Israel’s intractable conflict with the Palestinians, which has caused so much grief and heartache over the decades, is temporarily on hold as both sides pause to […]

Middle East

Iran’s Annus Horribilis

Iran is having a very bad year. Call it Iran’s annus horribilis. Three days into 2020, a U.S. drone strike killed General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps and one of the most charismatic and revered figures in the country. Soleimani was in charge of forging alliances with regional countries such as […]

Middle East

What Now For The Arab Joint List?

The last three general elections in Israel were marred by widespread accusations that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party defamed the Arab community and resorted to inflammatory rhetoric to discredit the Arab Joint List, the third largest party in the 120-seat Knesset. But as Israel copes with the coronavirus crisis, Netanyahu may discover that […]