Middle East

Germany Seeks to Bolster Its Friendship With Israel Despite Tensions Over Two Key Issues

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s two-day visit to Israel this week was intended to demonstrate unwavering friendship with Israel in spite of sharp disagreements over two critical issues — Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Iran’s nuclear program. Upon her arrival  in Israel with 15 members of her cabinet in tow, Merkel, eager to defuse tensions […]

Middle East

Islamic Insurrection Ruining Tourist Industry in the Sinai Peninsula

A place of stark and grandeur beauty, the Sinai Peninsula is one of Egypt`s great travel destinations, as I can personally attest. On my first visit in 1967, shortly after Israel’s conquest of  Sinai in the Six Day War, I camped out under a brilliant starry sky illuminated by the Milky Way. On my last visit, […]

Middle East

Libya’s Transition from Autocracy Has Been Rocky

Three years  after its authoritarian government fell in a violent popular uprising aided and abetted by foreign intervention, Libya has descended into a state of anarchy that bodes ill for its future as a united nation. Torn by tribal rivalries, infighting among competing armed militias and a spate of assassinations and kidnappings, and weakened by the […]

Middle East Travel

Discover Israel Through Fodor’s Guidebook

I‘ve visited Israel numerous times since the summer of 1967, both in a private and professional capacity. As a wag once quipped, Israel has too much history and not enough geography, which is precisely why it’s so interesting and accessible Even seasoned travellers who know what the Jewish state has to offer usually discover something […]

Middle East

Jihadist Rebels in Syria Hijacking the Uprising

The embattled president of Syria, Bashar Assad, claims the uprising destroying his nation is really an existential battle between the forces of secular nationalism and global jihadism. He has a point. The rebellion, which broke out three years ago come March, began as a peaceful protest movement demanding an end to arbitrary one-party Baathist rule, […]

Middle East

The Six Day War, Messianism and Settlements

The future status of the West Bank is a bone of contention in contemporary Israel, dividing friends and families along diametrically opposing lines. Some Israelis would give up all or parts of it in the interests of achieving a peace treaty with the Palestinians, who comprise the vast majority of its population. Still others, a […]

Middle East

Saudi Arabia’s Precarious Future

President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. ally in the Arab world, next month. Before he leaves Washington, D.C., he should read Karen Elliott House’s substantive book, On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past, Religion, Fault Lines — And Future, published by Alfred A. Knopf. One of the most penetrating works […]

Middle East

John Kerry Should Be Commended For His Herculean Diplomatic Efforts

John Kerry should be commended for his herculean efforts to break the Gordian knot of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Not since the days of Henry Kissinger and James Baker has a U.S. secretary of state done so much, so quickly, to try to advance the prospect of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Since the 1967 […]

Middle East

Palestinian Incitement Campaign Counter-Productive

Incitement and peace don’t mix, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said recently, referring to a persistent and disturbing pattern in which Israel and Jews are demonized and delegitimized by the institutions of the Palestinian Authority, the representative body of the Palestinians currently engaged in peace talks with the Israeli government. Charging that the PA’s campaign of […]

Middle East

Bangladesh Editor Displays Courage of Convictions

Say this for Bangladesh newspaper editor Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury: He’s an incredibly courageous man. Recently, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for his supposedly subversive articles and his abortive attempt to visit Israel, which citizens of this Asian nation are not permitted to visit. He plans to appeal, but will probably have […]