Middle East

Once Again, The Tide Turns Against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s accession to Egypt’s presidency is yet another stunning blow to the already battered Muslim Brotherhood. Sisi, previously chief of staff of the armed forces and defence minister, defeated his only credible opponent, Hamdeen Sabahi, a disciple of the late Abdel Gamal Nasser, by a whopping margin in last month’s election. Sisi, who […]


Portrait Of A Reclusive Hippie Turned Entrepreneur

Jody Shapiro’s bracing documentary on Burt Shavitz, the reclusive Jewish hippie who co-founded the Burt’s Bees personal care empire in the backwoods of Maine 30 years ago, paints a vivid portrait of a loner, curmudgeon and reluctant entrepreneur whose rags-to-riches story is a template of the possibilities of American capitalism. Burt’s Buzz, which opens in […]


Hollywood And World War II

Nearly six months before the United States declared war on Japan following its attack on Pearl Harbor, the syndicated columnist Stewart Alsop, writing in the Atlantic Monthly, warned, “To fight the war we will be sooner or later called upon to fight we need a crusading faith, the kind that inspired the soldiers of 1917.” […]

Guest Voices

Burma’s Muslim Minority Has Been Subjected To Ethnic Cleansing

Burma, or Myanmar — the country is known by both names — has for decades been one of the most oppressive states in Asia, under military rule between 1962 and 2010. Part of the reason stems from its many ethnic divisions, which has made it difficult to establish democracy in this southeast Asian nation. Burma […]

Jewish Affairs

Arab-Israeli Conflict Doomed Iraqi Jewish Community

By the late 1940s, Iraq was home to 180,000 Jews, of whom 90,000 lived in Baghdad, the capital. It was an ancient community whose origins could be traced back two millenniums. But by 1951, Iraq was virtually bereft of  Jews, with only 6,000 still remaining in the country. What happened? The simple answer: Israel. The […]

Jewish Affairs

The Two Faces of Spain

Spain has revealed both sides of its face in recent weeks. Insular, intolerant Spain reared its ugly head when 18,000 Spaniards posted nearly 18,000 antisemitic comments after Maccabi Tel Aviv defeated Real Madrid by a margin of 98-86 in the final game of the Euroleague basketball championship. Enlightened Spain surfaced when Spanish Interior Minister Jorge […]


Polish Film Festival Features Ashes And Diamonds

Years ago, when I was a postgraduate student in Britain, I saw Andrzej Wajda’s classic movie, Ashes and Diamonds, and was bowled over by it. It left a powerful impression and became one of my all-time favourites films. Last week, I had the pleasure of watching it yet again, and I was just as impressed. Ashes and […]

Guest Voices

The Plight Of China’s Muslim Minority

In 1991, when the Soviet Union fell apart, the five central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, sometimes called the “five stans,” became sovereign states. They were all part of a largely Turkic Muslim civilization that had flourished in the region for hundreds of years, until conquered by tsarist Russia in the […]


An Epic Adventure Unfolds in Tracks

Man-against-nature films are common-place, but in John Curran’s Tracks, scheduled to open in Canada on June 6, a plucky, courageous young lady takes on the elements in an epic 1,700 mile journey across the untamed, barely inhabited wilderness of western Australia. Tracks, an Australian movie based on a best selling book by Robyn Davidson, demolishes […]

Jewish Affairs

Holocaust Denial — A Potent Force In Arab And Muslim Worlds

Last month, the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, broke important historical ground by describing the Holocaust as “the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era.” Shortly afterwards, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif declared that he would not permit Iran’s reputation, such as it is, to be sullied […]