
Woman on the Verge of Another Nervous Breakdown

Jasmine French, an attractive and pretentious middle-aged woman with a taste for Hermes accessories,  Chanel jackets and Louis Vuitton luggage, is down on her luck. Her husband, Hal, a shady businessman in the mould of Bernard Madoff, is serving a prison sentence for fraud and who knows what else. The federal government has seized their […]

Jewish Affairs

The Cruellest Conflict

World War II was not just another destructive conflict between warring nations, but a nationalist crusade on the part of  Germany to acquire territory, attain hegemony, disseminate Nazi ideology and murder Jews on a massive industrial scale. When Germany attacked Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, touching  off an international conflagration that dragged on for six […]


An Eco Trip to Costa Rica

My younger daughter was due to start a new job and wanted a vacation before getting down to work. I decided to join her, and we agreed on Costa Rica, which turned out to be a wise choice. In less than a week, Lauren and I visited an active volcano, rode a horse to a […]

Middle East

Scranton Sought an “Even-Handed” U.S. Policy

A little more than a month before his inauguration as president of the United States in January 1969, Richard Nixon dispatched William Scranton, the former Republican governor of Pennsylvania, to the Middle East on a fact-finding tour of five Arab nations and Israel. His mandate was to assess the current state of the Arab-Israeli conflict […]

Guest Voices

Turkey is Becoming a Major Power

No one doubts that Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey since 2003, is a very tough man. He has demonstrated that in recent years, in run-ins with Israel, Syria, the United States, and his own citizens. In that sense, he epitomizes the Turkish character. Historically a warrior people, the Turks are a proud […]

Guest Voices

Uncandle Me

  I lit the candle. I watched. I watched the candle.   I heard it groan, I felt its moan, I saw it flicker, I heard it sigh, I watched it almost die.   I watched my breath sway the flame As it flickered hesitantly, Writhing, Trying to decide if to live or die, Or […]


The Attack

The Attack is a most unusual movie, unfolding against the backdrop of a Palestinian suicide bombing in Israel and grappling with the complexities of its messy aftermath. Premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last year, and now playing in theatres in Canada and the United States, The Attack is unconventional because  its main protagonists […]

Guest Voices

Before and After

  I  remember a photo of Ima in Sofia. A beauty to behold, Striking a movie star pose.   Her crisp school uniform is long gone. The faded flannel nightgown is worn.   I try to convince, not knowing how to begin. It’s worth getting up, It’s worth getting out of bed, Getting dressed.   […]


A Bite of the Big Apple

  I wanted to “wake up in that city that doesn’t sleep,” to paraphrase Frank Sinatra in the song New York, New York. The opportunity to do so presented itself in mid-summer, when my wife Etti and I decided to spend several days in New York City. As a couple, we hadn’t been in the […]

Jewish Affairs

Footprints in time

They died in the last little while, leaving a lasting legacy … Robert Fogel, 86, a University of Chicago economist, shared the Nobel Prize in economic science in 1993 for his work in explaining the role of railways and slavery in the development of the American economy. His books on these topics, Railroads and American […]