Middle East

The Day After In Gaza

What comes after the Israel-Hamas war? That’s the big unanswered question, even as fighting continues unabated throughout much of the Gaza Strip. The war started following the October 7 massacre during which Hamas terrorists killed roughly 1,200 Israeli civilians, soldiers and foreign farm workers and kidnapped some 250 people in southern Israel. But after eight […]

Middle East

Israel May Be Turning A New Page With The Palestinians

Judging by Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz’s meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on August 29, Israel may well be turning a new page in its often troubled and tumultuous relationship with the Palestinians. In the first high-level face-to-face between Israeli and Palestinian leaders in 12 years, they discussed a wide range […]

Middle East

Israel Gripped By Political Paralysis

Israel is wallowing in a state of political paralysis. For the past six months, in the wake of two inconclusive elections, the country has been adrift, bereft of a stable government. It’s a reflection of the deep divisions in Israeli society. The current situation began when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to form a […]

Middle East

Benny Gantz Challenges Netanyahu

Two political parties, the first old and established and the second absolutely brand new, are striving for victory as Israel’s general election draws closer. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of the right-wing Likud Party, faces a stiff challenge from Benny Gantz, the head of the newly-formed centrist Blue and White Party and the former chief […]