
Remembering Pablo

Images of Pablo flood my mind, and a smile creases my face, whenever I spy a Maltese. No, I’m not talking about people from the Mediterranean island of Malta. I’m referring to that special breed of canine that so touches my heart. Until Pablo came along, I had no special affinity or particular affection for […]


The McGill Daily Subverts Fair-Minded Journalism

The good name of McGill University, a world-class institution in Montreal, is being ruthlessly and shamelessly besmirched by a cabal of narrow-minded, self-absorbed and myopic ideologues subverting the hallowed principles of fair-minded journalism and free speech. McGill’s student newspaper, The McGill Daily, recently announced it will not publish articles which “promote a Zionist worldview, or […]


Trump’s Chief Strategist Is A Cause For Concern

President -elect Donald Trump announced his first top-level appointments on November 12, three days after routing Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election. He chose Reince Priebus, the head of the Republican National Committee, as his chief of staff, and Stephen Bannon, his campaign manager, as his senior counsellor and chief strategist. Bannon’s appointment was […]


Donald Trump The Disrupter

Several days before the bombastic and unpredictable Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States, soundly defeating the overly confident front-runner Hillary Clinton, I had a sinking feeling he would beat the odds and prevail. Trump, a real estate mogul and a former reality TV show host, is manifestly one of the […]


Demystifying Hitler’s Mein Kampf

It was historically and morally necessary to publish a critical, annotated version of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle), a prominent German historian said recently. The two-volume edition was published by the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich last January with a print run of 4,000 copies and was immediately snapped up by buyers in […]


Fighting Terrorism On Different Fronts

Terrorism is the scourge of our times. We live in a dangerous and uncertain epoch, when jihadists rake restaurants with gunfire, suicide bombers detonate explosive vests and terrorists plant bombs aboard airplanes. Since the horrific events of September 11, 2001, when 19 Arabs commandeered three American commercial airliners and ruthlessly crashed them into the World Trade […]


German Politician Does The Right Thing

Politicians tend to be very mindful and careful in public settings. Being on their best behavior, they strive for political correctness, avoiding comments or gestures that might be deemed offensive or inappropriate. Germany’s vice chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, a Social Democrat, dispensed with these weighty calculations during a recent election campaign event in Lower Saxony as about […]


British Islamic Radical Faces Justice

Islamic State, the jihadist organization which has cut a swath of death and destruction across the Middle East and Europe, fully exploits social media to recruit new recruits. Thousands of Muslims and Muslim converts from around the world have been brainwashed by its postings on the Internet. Having been seduced by its radical Islamic message, they’ve […]


Spirit Of The Olympic Games Compromised

Ever since the ancient Olympic Games were revived in 1896 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France, they’ve been organized around the exemplary principles of mutual understanding, tolerance, friendship and fair play. As 11,000 athletes from around the world converged on Rio de Janeiro for this summer’s games, I gamely hoped that these hallowed principles […]